Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Parilous Times

The first amendment to the Constitution states; Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.  We have allowed the Federal Government to breach this amendment to the point where, in the eyes of many, this government has replaced God.
It begins with a lure of money in the form of grants and subsidies.  For example, schools districts were among the first to succumb to this tactic.  The government offered them grants (like Title I funds) that have strings attached.  The school districts has to use those funds as the government dictates they have to in order to keep the funds coming.
Then the Supreme Court ruled that if the school district was receiving funds of any kind from the Federal Government, then they were an extension of Congress and therefore were under the same rules, i.e. they could “make no laws respecting an establishment of religion”.  So, prayer and the ten commandments were removed from the schools because it was an “establishment of religion”.  However, the Supreme Court forgot that by the same logic they used to state that the schools were an extension of Congress, that they too were likewise an extension of Congress and could make no law respecting an establishment of religion.  By making it illegal for schools to have prayer or the Ten Commandments in their buildings, they were making laws respecting an establishment of religion, namely Secular Humanism.
Now consider the issue of marriage.  Marriage is a religious ordinance.  It has always been an ordinance of religious orders no matter which sect of religion it is performed in.  The Supreme Court is now about to rule on marriage for the homosexual factions of our society.  This is another violation of the first amendment.  They are deciding whether homosexual marriage is constitutional or not.
 Under their own definition of what is under the umbrella of “Congress” the Supreme Court cannot make any ruling regarding the establishment of religion, therefore, they cannot declare homosexual marriage constitutional.  They can establish that civil unions between homosexuals are constitutional because that is not a religious ordinance, but secular one.  It can say that any entitlement of a civil union also applies to those homosexuals that enter into that civil union, but it has no constitutional authority to declare that homosexuals are entitled to a religious union called “marriage”.
This makes it our responsibility to oppose any court decision that declares that homosexual “marriage” is valid under the Constitution.  If the court decides that homosexuals may be united, under civil law then so be it, they have the right to do so because that is not a religious ordinance, however, they cannot rule that religious organizations who refuse to perform homosexual marriages are in violation of the constitutional rights of homosexuals.  If they do, then the court itself is in violation of the first amendment because they are establishing a law respecting the establishment of religion.
On the other hand, are we no longer subject to the Constitution of the United States and all the actions of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the President having the semblance of acts that abide by the Constitution and are a façade and a sham?  What say you?