Monday, January 6, 2014

A Nation Unwittingly Enslaved

In the 1950s, it was fun to participate on Independence Day.  Fireworks were of different sizes and children of all ages could fire off firecrackers, swing sparklers, and shoot roman candles up into the air.  Parents were responsible for their children and they and their children paid the consequences of misusing any of the fireworks that they played with. 
By the time the 70s rolled around, if a child got sunburned and had to have treatment for blisters on their back (second degree sunburn) and either of their parents was in the military, the parent was given an Article 15 (non-judicial punishment).  This could be as severe as a loss in pay or demotion in rank, for not having taken proper care of their children.
You see, in the military, you signed a contract that made you responsible to the government 24/7/365, so your life wasn’t your own.  You became property of the government and because your family was covered for medical care under that contract, they also became property of the government.  So if anything happened to any member of your family that was considered to be because of carelessness or neglect on your part, you were held accountable.  For instance, if your child was playing with fireworks and burnt his/her fingers and was taken to the emergency room, then the parent could be held accountable through the non-judicial punishment of the armed services.  In a civilian setting, the parent would have to pay for the visit to the emergency room and that would be the end of it.
With the advent of the “War on Poverty” started by President Johnson, this type of intrusion into private lives was spread throughout our society.  It happens this way.  When the government begins to pay for peoples housing and food, without any work/service being required of the individual to receive it, no matter how old they are, they become wards of the state.  As such, any offspring, they have also become property of the state.
In order to make sure that the “state’s property” is protected Child Protective Services was invented.  From that time on, man’s home, which was his “castle”, became a looking glass for the government to take care of its assets.  Parents were no longer able to govern in their homes as they saw fit, they had to make sure that they were governing in accordance with the way the state wanted them to or their offspring (the state’s property) would be taken from them to be raised by a state approved surrogate parent (foster care).  In stating this, this writer does not express any sympathy for any abusive parent that never learned that those given to him/her through procreation are the future of the nation and will treat others the way they have been treated.
This avenue of progress has opened the door for an abusive government to set forth a welfare system of medical care by law.  The Affordable Care Act is the government’s response to provide “free health care” to the growing numbers of people in this country who are willing to allow the government to maintain their very existence.  By default, those who are working for a living become the “bank” that pays for this “freeloader” health care system through the taxes exacted from them to support it.
How unwittingly have we become slaves to the government.  Those who are willingly receiving welfare benefits from the government unwittingly become slaves.  Those of us who, allow the government to extract from the just compensation we receive for our labors the payment for such, are enslaved because we are forced to comply with mandates of both what health care we can receive as well as how much we must pay.  Neither group is happy with the system because of the loss of freedom to choose.  The government decides who is a viable asset to the government.  Those who are not born with some sort of government defined “defect” or who are not past the age of viability will receive prime care because they are the ones who produce the most for the government.  Those who cannot produce enough to qualify as viable members of society are denied care based on the debilitating extent of their condition.  Therefore, the government gets to decide who lives or dies, something that up to now, in our country, was left up to the Creator to decide.
It is up to us, the members of this great land to decide whether we will remain slaves to an overreaching government or will return to the freedom of choice we once had as free men in a free country.  It has become very apparent that special interests have taken control of those who govern so that the voice of the people is being stifled and is not being heard at the seat of government.  The constitutional remedy for this, that is electing statesmen and not politicians to public office at all levels, is quickly being altered by those who wish to stay in power making it more difficult to seek a remedy by following the Constitution.  Nevertheless, we must endeavor to prevail through that means rather than the alternative.