Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Principles of Liberty (Twenty-two)

Principles of Liberty (Twenty-two)

By William Pressgrove

“A free people should be governed by law and not by the whims of men.” (The 5000 Year Leap, W. Cleon Skousen p. 243)

In introducing this principle Cleon Skousen was very straight forward in stating:

“To be governed by the whims of men is to be subject to the ever-changing capriciousness of those in power. This is ruler’s law at its worst. In such a society nothing is dependable. No rights are secure. Things established in the present are in a constant state of flux. Nothing becomes fixed and predictable for the future.”

The Founders lived under the tyranny of a king and a parliament bent on the exploiting the colonies to support their lifestyles, and witnessed the uncertainty of their lives because the rules that governed the colonies changed at the drop of a hat.

That is why they set up the government so that the rule of law governed. If all had to live by the same laws, then all knew what to expect and could make future plans based on those laws. Today, can we say that we have the same assurance? We have laws governing bankruptcy, yet government says that we have companies that are “too large to be allowed to fail”, so they bail them out to avoid bankruptcy. We have laws that state that government cannot interfere in private business, yet government now owns majority shares in AIG, GM, Chrysler, and at least 23 different banking firms. So what happened to the laws regarding these issues? In essence without saying the words that “the Constitution is suspended” or “martial law is declared”, the government has suspended the laws that govern these issues. Well as Rahm Emanuel, the Whitehouse Chief of Staff said, “Never let a serious crisis go to waste. What I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things you couldn’t do before.”

The last time I checked, the Tenth Amendment states that the government has no power except the power delegated to it by the Constitution. I’ve read the Constitution several times and I can’t find anywhere in it that the power to interfere in private industry/business is a power delegated to central government. So why is it being done without a declared “state of emergency” or having declared martial law?

The answer to these questions is simple. The rule of law has been suspended and like Cleon Skousen pointed out. We are being, “governed by the whims of men” and are “subject to the ever-changing capriciousness of those in power.”

The solution? We need to awaken to the awfulness of our situation. We need to realize that we are verifying what Thomas Jefferson was warning us against when he said, “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”

We the People are the sovereign. Government has “taken power unto itself” and thinks that those who are elected or appointed have the power to force the people of the country to do as they bid. Without going too far into it, I think that they feel this way because they think the majority of the people in the country should be beholding to them because they have redistributed the wealth of the country so that they are “more equal.” Government is counting on those who have received from the government to side with them on the issues giving them a majority, or as they put it, a mandate to proceed with the socialistic plans and programs they are now trying to force into place using whatever “crisis” they can find or manufacture.

As we awaken to the predicament we are in, we need to take action. This action has to be UNIFIED. Those in power are counting on us to be fragmented and divided so that the courses of action we take will be in so many different directions that we will not be unified and be able to produce a majority when it comes time to vote. Even though there were hundreds of thousands of people who attended a TEA Party on April 15th (to which I was a party) there were many divisions among the attendants as to what the best course of action should be. The body politic is counting on us to remain fractured in deciding on a course of action to unseat them from their comfortable and lucrative positions in Congress and the White House.

The unity we are seeking can be found in the principles and values found in The 5000 Year Leap and the 9-12 Project. The course of action we must take is one that has proven to be effective and will propel our unity into effective action and is found it the Independence Caucus’ course of action. I urge all of you who are in different organizations that participated or believe in the TEA Parties as well as anyone else who believes that we are living one of Thomas Jefferson’s worst nightmares concerning government, to check out the following two websites and learn as much about them as possible. I am very confident that you will see clearly the course of action that we need to take as you learn more about what these two groups stand for. There is no reason to give up affiliation with other organizations, but in order to take the reins of government back we all need to support and work toward the objectives of these two organizations.

May we all succeed in our endeavors to restore the rule of law in this country.