Friday, April 3, 2009

Principles of Liberty (Eighteen)

Principles of Liberty (Eighteen)

By William Pressgrove

“The unalienable rights of the people are mostlikely to be preserved if the principles of government are set forth in a written constitution.” (The 5000 Year Leap, W. Cleon Skousen p. 217)

In reality, the only written constitutions that were to be had before the Articles of Confederation were those of either colonies like the charter known as the “Mayflower Compact” or the “Fundamental orders of Connecticut.” (The 5000 Year Leap, W. Cleon Skousen p. 218) Prior to that there were bills of rights written up, but not constitutions. The political affairs of the Anglo Saxons were governed by common law and custom both of which were unwritten. So having a written Constitution was traveling in uncharted waters to use a maritime metaphor.

However, since our Constitution has proven to be of great benefit for maintaining government on an even keel and served, up until now, to rein in politicians with voracious appetites for power, it has served as a model for the constitutions of many other nations. The underlying principle for having a written constitution is that it sets forth the consequences for its violation and parameters for its use. This type of guidance serves to settle many of the disputes that arise in nations without such a constitution.

As we move into the 21st century it has become apparent that this concept of living by a written constitution is coming under tremendous fire from those who have been maintaining the appearance of living by the Constitution when in reality they have been usurping power from the people and imposing laws and acts that do not have any basis in the Constitution. Today it has gotten to the point where, under the guise of having a “national crisis” the usurpers have taken it upon themselves to invest tax payers, including the taxes of future generations to the third and fourth generation, in the purchase of common stock in private businesses and in bailing out companies. All of this undermines the fundamentals of a free market economy and turns it into a collective run by the central government much like the socialistic nations of Europe have, which I might add have not been successful in maintaining their programs and are continuing to tax their citizens more heavily each year in an attempt to maintain them.

The only way for this country to keep this usurpation from happening is for the people who are the sovereign to take action and let the elected officials know that they are aware of the principles the Constitution is founded on and that they are our servants and not our masters. One way to do that is to join with the many that are gathering on April 15th to hold TEA (Taxed Enough Already) parties that are being held in most of the major cities throughout the country. Another way to let your Congressmen know your feelings on the individual bills of legislation they are attempting to pass is by writing/calling/e-mailing them each time they attempt to usurp the authority of the American people by instituting laws that take away our rights and responsibilities for self and family. Each time they take away more of our rights, it is in the name of security. So many people want their freedom to be secured. They give up more freedom than they secure with each new program to secure some freedom. People don’t realize that when government “secures” any freedom, they make demands and set parameters that restrict other freedoms in order to achieve their goal of securing that specific freedom. Example, to secure the freedom of having a government program for retirement, the freedom to use the funds you make are partially curtailed in the form of a tax to pay for the “social security” program. Even more funds are taken from your paycheck to secure freedom from medical problems for the entire country with Medicare/Medicaid taxes.

If we don’t do something soon, we will be taxed with a very burdensome tax to pay for the contrived culprit of “global warming.” All of our energy will be taxed to the point that you can’t use your furnace to keep warm because the natural gas or electricity will cost so much you can’t use (consume) them in an amount sufficient to keep yourself warm, so make sure you have enough quilts for the entire family or make sure that your relationships are in good repair because you might just have to huddle under the one quilt you do have to keep warm. Of course, that is said tongue in cheek, but it isn’t as farfetched as it might seem.

All of this comes from allowing politicians to deviate from their responsibility to adhere to the Constitution, as it is written. Politicians have expanded the meaning of the term “general welfare” to the point that the majority of the money we pay to “run the government” is being spent for social programs (none of which were ever in the purview of the Constitution under the hand of those who were instrumental in writing it). Today 61% of the national budget goes to pay for these social programs. ( We need to unite to turn this trend around and get our national debt paid off so that it isn’t a burden to future generations to the third and fourth generations.

Lets return to the principles the Founding Fathers put into place to secure our freedoms and then take responsibility for ourselves so we can protect them. Benjamin Franklin said, “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Following this principle will do more to restore our liberty and security than any amount of money that we can pay the government to provide security for us. God bless us in endeavoring to return to correct principles.