While We Are Watching The Right Hand
I don’t know what would be the best way to approach this subject, but what if I were to tell you that in order for you to pay what you owe for all the benefits we get and what the government is spending right now without a health care overhaul, it would be $349,190.00. That is for all the citizens of the United States, all 300 million of us.
If you do the math, and figure out how much it would cost just the tax payers according, CNN Money.com that would be 156.3 million in 2008 instead of all 300 million of us, we would owe $670,230.33 per tax payer. Now I’m going to ask the real hard question, do you think that you can come up with that much money to fix the current financial situation of the U.S. government and balance the books? Even if we just balanced the budget, we have fiscal exposures totaling $107 trillion. Fiscal exposure is the total of all unfunded mandates, such as; Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Prescription Drug programs, and the interest on the national debt.
So while we are watching the right hand playing around with the national health care debate, and even contemplating adding to the fiscal exposure, the real problem is not being addressed or maybe it is being deliberately suppressed. This country is being bankrupted by those we have put into office over the past 50 years. It isn’t a party issue because both parties have been a “party” (no pun intended) to this systematic process. Ever since the Social Security “Trust Fund” was done away with and the funds it produced have been used to supplement the general fund, several similar programs have been initiated like Medicare, Medicaid, and most recently the Prescription Drug Assistance Program. Each of these is either under taxed or unfunded which means it is a drain on the Fiscal Budget of the United States each year. In other words, because these programs make up more than 61% of the budget each year, there is little left for National Defense or any other government purpose and we end up running deficits.
Here’s where the rubber meets the road. I’m 60 years old. I’m one of the “baby boomers”. I have paid into Social Security all of my adult life and Medicare ever since its inception. I can see the handwriting on the wall. If we want to bring this problem under control, the promises that have been made by politicians for so many years to get us to vote for them are going to have to be broken or we are going to cease to be the United States of America. Those who own our debt will mandate changes in our Constitution that will subjugate us to their will, i.e. socialism or even worse communism. We are headed for slavery of the worst kind because we aren’t willing to face up to the fact that if we don’t take the measures we need to take and keep from going bankrupt, we will be at the mercy of our international creditors (mainly China).
We need to bite the bullet and realize that politicians have duped us into thinking that “government” will take care of us in our old age when in reality they have just stolen the money from us and have used it to keep themselves in office instead of doing what is “for the best” of the country. We need to put individuals in office that can make the hard decisions on cutting these unfunded mandates or our fiscal exposure so that our posterity can live in a country that is still free. We need to say, “I will sacrifice so that my posterity can live in freedom.” Maybe if we do, they won’t ever make the same mistake that we have of relying on politicians to take care of us instead of being self-reliant.
I know that this won’t be a very popular paper, but if we are honest with ourselves and if we care for your children and grand children for generations, we will see that we are going to have to be the ones that sacrifice our retirements, free medical for the aged, and a national health care system for everyone just so our posterity can have freedom. In other words, we can’t have our cake and eat it too. May the Lord help us in making the tough decisions we are being forced to make now.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
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